Friday, January 30, 2009

Today is January 30th - The day of the Big Beak Bird

hey guys, I'm not sure how much new stuff I'll have today since sometimes I like to make stuff up from the cuff but I'll start with a quote i found in my old xanga

Out of suffering have emerged the strongest souls; the most massive characters are seared with scars

--Edwin Hubbel Chapin

i think it was back when I realized that I have many scars on my skin and I thought its only ugly to some, but to others its a sign that you know what life is b/c you know sacrifice or pain....iono

here's a haiku from Dec. 3rd, 2004

I think at that point I was cynical of many pre-meds that wanted to get into the medical business for the wrong reasons.....iono maybe I was too black and white and sarcastic back then?

what truly matters?
a heart is irrelevant
only skin matters

alright some new stuff now

I don't like to talk
words are so cheap, I want more

tragic is silence
for the lack of expression
is pregnant with death

Life constantly grinds
the perpetual machine,
when will i find rest?

If I only have
to remember all the bad
then let me forget

That is what I am, here, now.
Temporally lost

there is no histr'y
if there is no future too
who would tell the tale?

Life is plaid pattern'd
we are separate threads weaved
tightly together.

1 comment:

  1. In a nutshell, Talking is cheap if neither of them are listening. And when tragedy arise, it won't be expressed b/c it's already dead. It is the past. Life is a never under the speed of 6.0 on the treadmill.
