Saturday, February 28, 2009

Today is March 1st 2009, the day of Gift Adornments

its that time again, that time where I don't feel like working at all and just start thinking too much for my own good, here are some iono, kinda improv'ed/ been working in my head these days

words; they can be few
and yet be most poetic
but they slip away
flowers they're pretty
but they wither, gray and die
what matters is love

kinda broke the rules there, but i think its necessary once in a while to step outside the bounds.

science: what's perceived
faith: beyond our perceptions
let's not mix the two

oh wilson phillips
singing your songs may be gay
but i feel better

here's some from Dec. 11th of 2004

I stared at the sun
In it, I found only pain
for i am a moon

perhaps I am wrong
and the world completely right
who cares about truth?

days mesh into weeks
weeks into years and decades
Yet God still forgives

pure legalism:
follow words on dead trees please
not heart, soul or mind

I won't be the best
But I can be the brightest

My soul declines like
wax melted into liquid
He can make candles

words are meaningless
why use them to express this?
this has no meaning

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Today is February 5, 2009 - the day of the rectangular box balloon

sometimes i don't know
the future is too murky
i see so little

be thankful young one
the gifts you're given today
can cease forever

i go on long walks
at night is when it is best
i can be alone

its after midnight
the night brings out my demons
for me to fight them

this one is from Dec. 4, 2004, I guess I was just thinking about the power of accumulation, how such small microtransactions in our lives could invariably add up to the dollars of life or death.....

true widsom shows when
a binary choice is met
which one, Life or Death?

here's 3 more from Dec. 7th of that year

3 haikus today, i'll leave the interpretation open today

in the wake of day
surely the light comes again,
revives the dark soul

failure is looming
what is the cure for this plight?

"look at it this way
you got through all of that crap"
see what's ahead now

Friday, January 30, 2009

Today is January 30th - The day of the Big Beak Bird

hey guys, I'm not sure how much new stuff I'll have today since sometimes I like to make stuff up from the cuff but I'll start with a quote i found in my old xanga

Out of suffering have emerged the strongest souls; the most massive characters are seared with scars

--Edwin Hubbel Chapin

i think it was back when I realized that I have many scars on my skin and I thought its only ugly to some, but to others its a sign that you know what life is b/c you know sacrifice or pain....iono

here's a haiku from Dec. 3rd, 2004

I think at that point I was cynical of many pre-meds that wanted to get into the medical business for the wrong reasons.....iono maybe I was too black and white and sarcastic back then?

what truly matters?
a heart is irrelevant
only skin matters

alright some new stuff now

I don't like to talk
words are so cheap, I want more

tragic is silence
for the lack of expression
is pregnant with death

Life constantly grinds
the perpetual machine,
when will i find rest?

If I only have
to remember all the bad
then let me forget

That is what I am, here, now.
Temporally lost

there is no histr'y
if there is no future too
who would tell the tale?

Life is plaid pattern'd
we are separate threads weaved
tightly together.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

today is january 28th - the day of the vanilla cone

hey guys, i've decided to migrate my haiku's from my old xanga here, so i guess i'll be mixing old and new for a while but then hopefully will start writing them on a regular basis

Special thanks to my lab buddies Lani, Gilbert and Rafa, they got me an awesome origami calendar, like one of those tear away ones, but each day you learn something new and use yesterday's paper as a sacrifice for the art of the day.

fold up yesterday
forget its trials instead
make something of it

here's some i wrote in class while learning about behavioral ecology (barf)

what is life's purpose?
is it just to pass genes on?
or is there more here?

what is destiny?
is it correct when forwards?
or when its backwards?

extinguish this fire
it burns without prejudice
destroying the good

here's one from the extreme past, the very first in fact from November 29, 2004

Silence screams loudly
sound mutes truth to nothingness
cover your ears, hear